Yeranosyan A. A. The Decaying Model of Traditional Family and the Genealogical Tree: the Visual Representation of Genealogical Memory in the Soviet Armenia

Argam A. Yeranosyan
Institute of Archeology and Ethnography National Academy of Sciences;
National Museum of Armenian Ethnography and History of Liberation Struggle
in the Memorial Complex of Sardarapat Battle
Yerevan, Republic of Armenia


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ABSTRACT. The article discusses the typology of genealogical trees in the genealogical tradition of Soviet Armenia and analyzes the major practices of their representation. Ancestral or genealogical tree is a schematic and graphic (involving brackets, lines, horizontal and vertical aligning, etc.) representation of kin relations and genealogical history (from synchronic and diachronic perspectives), which takes the shape of a symbolic “tree” — a genealogical table, concentric ring table, generation catalogue, etc. The author suggests looking into this topic in the two major research contexts: memory study and paradigm study of generations.

KEYWORDS: genealogical tree, historical memory, generations, Armenian aristocracy, blood kin groups, tradition, national symbol


УДК 929.521
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-2(4)-63-71



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