Suleymanova A. S., Avrutina A. S. Ardino: a New Point on the Map of Literary Pilgrimage
Alia S. Suleymanova
St. Petersburg State University
St. Petersburg, Russia
Apollinaria S. Avrutina
St. Petersburg State University
St. Petersburg, Russia
Download | Go to Issue #2. 2019
ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the description of a literary pilgrimage address, which is new to the world culture, and the rituals connected with it. This pilgrimage and rituals are now held annually in the Bulgarian town of Ardino, the homeland of the Turkish writer Sabahattin Ali, by admirers of his work on the memorable dates of birth and death of the writer. Egridere/Ardino has always aroused the interest of Turkish literature specialists who studied the work of Sabahattin Ali. However, Ardino was visited mainly by foreign Turkologists. Since 2007 commemorative events in Ardino have been held annually. In the opinion of the authors of the article, the Bulgarian village of Ardino, where only Turks live (according to the mayor of the city, there are about 3 955 people), became a place of literary pilgrimage, as it is associated with the specific cult of the Turkish writer Sabahattin Ali, which contributes to the perpetuating of the legendary personality of the writer as a sacred object in the memory of generations of readers, and this object arose in the context of the striving of the Bulgarian minority to emphasize its cultural independence from the parent community.
KEYWORDS: Sabahattin Ali, Turkey, Bulgaria, Ardino, Egridere, Turkish literature, Turkish language, Turkish culture
УДК 821.512.161
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-2(4)-157-163
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