Khudonazarov D. N. Dmitry Ivanov — the First Russian Explorer of the Pamir
Davlat N. Khudonazarov
film director, historian
Moscow, Russia
Download | Go to Issue #2. 2019
ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to little-known facts about the life of the outstanding mining engineer Dmitry L. Ivanov and the period of his participation in the first official Russian expedition, which was undertaken for the military-geographical study of the Pamirs. The expedition carried out its surveys in the summer of 1883 in difficult natural conditions in the high uncharted mountainous deserted land known as the “Roof of the World”. The scarcity of supplies forced Ivanov to turn to the mountain dwellers of Shugnan and Rushan for help. He was the first Russian to come into contact with the Tajiks of the upper reaches of Ghunt and Murgab rivers. Ivanov was the first Russian explorer who engaged in the folklore and ethnographic studies of the mountain people, describing their daily life with profound insight and sympathy. Ivanov’s publications were the only sources of information about the inhabitants of the upper reaches of the Panj River for approximately twenty years. The article draws on the speeches and essays of Ivanov published in 1883–1885, as well as on other documentary sources, and also provides his short biography.
KEYWORDS: Dmitry Ivanov, Pamir, expedition, mountain Tajiks, detachment, Shugnan, Rushan
УДК 910.4
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-2(4)-216-227
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