Kubel E. L. Karakalpak Textiles in the Collections of the Russian Museum of Ethnography

Elena L. Kubel
The Russian Museum of Ethnography
St. Petersburg, Russia
Е‑mail: elenakubel@yandex.ru


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ABSTRACT. The article provides a description of the history of the arrival of Karakalpak textiles and weav- ing tools to the collections of the Russian Museum of Ethnography from the late 1920s to the 1970s. The body of sources on this topic is quite representative. It includes a small collection of home‑made fabrics from 1927–1928, which is interesting for a researcher for its careful selection of samples, fixation of terminology and the peculiar- ities of using different types of fabrics in the costume of certain population groups. In the group of objects made in the patchwork technique of kurak the most valuable is the collection of children’s clothes, which are rarely presented in large quantities in museum collections. The idea of the protective apotropic value of items made of rags, reinforced by color and numerical symbolism, as well as the use of special ornamental patterns, introduces us to the world of ancient folk ideas about the structure of the world and the magical properties of certain objects. A significant part of the Karakalpak collection consists of the woven furnishings of the yurt, made in different weaving techniques: pile, lint‑free, and combined. There are various bands for fastening and decoration of the portable dwelling, esikkas over‑door mats, kergi bags (sacks), alasha lining carpets and karshin bags. In general, the collections of the Russian Museum of Ethnography gives an idea of the main types of textile practices of the Karakalpaks of the Amudarya Delta and their development over the long period of time from the late nineteenth to the second half of the twentieth century.

KEYWORDS: Russian Museum of Ethnography, Karakalpak, textiles, pile, lint‑free, products, combined technique, patchwork technique


УДК 677.024:39(=512.121)
DOI 10.31250/2618‑8619‑2019‑2(4)‑108‑119



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