Pronin M. A. Materials on the Biobibliography of J. V. Chesnov
Mikhail A. Pronin
Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
Download | Go to Issue #2. 2019
ABSTRACT. This short publication is dedicated to Jan Veniaminovich Chesnov ― a well-known ethnographer of the peoples of the Caucasus, an outstanding anthropologist, philosopher and the originator of the anthropology of anthropocenosis. The article contains updated dates for the life and activities of the scholar (according to the materials of the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, archives of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences; published for the first time). The article presents some events from the scholar’s life and career (his autobiography), adding new details to his academic biography, which are significant for understanding the history of the formation and development of national ethnology, philosophical anthropology and virtualistics. The main aspects of Chesnov’s activities in the Institute of Human Sciences and the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences are revealed, and some key works of this period are given. A general description of the archive and its state is provided, as well as a list of manuscripts and draft books, including those not found to the date of publication.
KEYWORDS: Jan Chesnov, ethnography, ethnology, philosophical anthropology, Caucasian studies, bibliography, history of science, virtualistics, virtual psychology, anthropocenosis
УДК 39
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-2(4)-177-186
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