Zelnitskaya (Shlarba) R. Some Karachay-Аbkhazian Parallels in the Establishment of Social Relations in the Nineteenth — Early Twentieth Centuries

Ritsa Zelnitskaya (Shlarba)
The Russian Museum of Ethnography
St. Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: riza81@yandex.ru


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ABSTRACT. The article considers some parallels in the social stratification of the two societies inhabiting the Caucasus: Karachay and Abkhazian. Studies have shown that the social structure of the two societies in question, despite their residence on different sides of the Caucasus range, has similar features. Both societies have historically been characterized by the compact residence of members of related groups (family unions) within a single settlement or quarter of a larger settlement. The most important factor affecting the stratification of property and social stratification of both societies is the possession of land as the main capital. Depending on this, the existing system of social relations in both societies implies the mandatory allocation of the main holders of land, who occupy a privileged position and play the role of local aristocracy. Accordingly, the remaining groups of the population of both Abkhazians and Karachays are divided into those who have personal freedom, but are bound with obligations towards the representatives of aristocracy, who allow them to freely manage their plots of land; and persons deprived of personal freedom, who are dependent on both the nobility and personally free community members. In both societies, there is a group with a specific position between the aristocracy and the personally free community whose origins are most difficult to analyze.

KEYWORDS: Karachay, Abkhazian society, social structure, patronymy


УДК 316:39(=512.142/=352.2)
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-2(4)-72-79



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