Prishepova V. A. 1930s Exhibitions of the Department of Western and Central Asia of Kunstkamera

Valeria A. Prishepova
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
St. Petersburg, Russia


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ABSTRACT. The 1930s are of special interest for the history of Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (MAE). It was during the post-revolution period that the new research trends took shape among the Russian ethnographers, which were based on the Marxist understanding of social and economic relations. MAE stores several photo collections from the 1930s which contain images of the first Soviet ethnographic ex- hibitions dealing with the people of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. In 1931 a photo exhibition devoted to Women’s Day on March 8 took place. It contained pictures of the life of women of Central Asia in the 1920–1930s, which demonstrated the changes happening in the society and culture. In 1932–1935, in connection with the tenth anni- versary of the creation of the republics of Central Asia, Leningrad hosted conferences of the USSR Academy of Sciences which dealt with the studies of the productive forces of the region. Anniversary exhibitions which be- came the first displays of museum ethnographic collections organized after the adoption of the new ideological discourses were timed to coincide with the festivities. The exhibition “Tajiks and Pamir Iranians” was to become a part of the future permanent exposition, which would include collections on several large peoples of the region. The case of MAE exhibitions which took place in the 1930s provides an insight into how ideological attitudes influenced exhibition activities of the museum.

KEYWORDS: exhibition, exposition, ethnography, people of Central Asia, museum, photo, picture


УДК 069.5:39
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-2(4)-130-146



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