Dzhapua Z. D. Grigoriy Filippovich Chursin (1874–1930)

Zurab D. Dzhapua
Academy of Sciences of Abkhazia, Center for Nartology and Field Folklore Studies at ASU, D. I. Giulia AbIHS of the ASA
Sukhum, Republic of Abkhazia


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ABSTRACT. This article is devoted to the life and academic heritage of the ethnographer and historian of the Caucasus G. F. Chursin, information about whom is scarce in historiography. The first part of the article highlights the major milestones in the life and work of the ethnographer, while the second part deals with the most striking features of his Abkhaz studies. The work of the scholar is distinguished by the widest use of field materials recorded by both earlier researchers and Chursin himself during his expeditions all around the Caucasus. As noted in the reports about the scholar and reviews of his works, the ethnographer paid special attention to the religious beliefs of a number of mountain peoples of the Caucasus: Abkhaz, Ossetians, Talyshs, Avars, Dido, Svans, Tushins and many others. Comparison of the traditional cultures of different ethnic groups of the Caucasus is also characteristic of the works of Chursin. This article emphasizes the organic combination of ethnographic and folklore data in the research of the scholar, which characterizes him both as an ethnographer and as a folklorist. Chursin’s seminal abkhazological materials and works describe the characteristic features of the life and culture of the Abkhaz until the 1920s. As a result of his fieldwork in Abkhazia, Chursin was one of the first scholars to write a rather thorough work on the living antiquity of the Abkhaz, in which he covered almost all the aspects and genres of Abkhaz traditional culture and folklore.

KEYWORDS: G. F. Chursin, ethnographer, folklorist, Caucasus historian, religious beliefs, field materials, expeditions


УДК 39(=35)
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-2(4)-204-215



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