Balezin A. S. Sources on the history of diplomatic relations of the USSR with the countries of East Africa in Moscow archives
Alexander S. Balezin
Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
Download | Go to Issue #4. 2019
УДК 94(47).084.9
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-4(6)-60-69
ABSTRACT. The article deals with the body of sources on the history of the establishment of diplomatic relations of the Soviet Union with Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania in the late 1950s—mid 1960s. These sources are found in three Moscow archives—the Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Funds “Records related to countries”), the State Archive of the Russian Federation (the Fund of the Soviet Committee of Solidarity with Asian and African Countries), and the Russian State Archive of Modern History (Fund “Apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU : 1935–1991”). The author analyzes different types of sources of African, Soviet and mixed origin and their importance for the study of the formation of bilateral relations between the USSR and East African countries, as well as a number of problems arising while working with these sources. He gives the most typical examples of information contained in specific archival documents, including those which have been recently declassified and are now available to researchers. These sources allow us to trace the nuances of the formation and development of the bilateral relations of the Soviet Union with Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and to understand the reasons for the failure of great hopes, which were pinned on these relations in our country and in the countries of East Africa.
KEYWORDS: archival sources, diplomatic relations, USSR and Kenya, USSR and Uganda, USSR and Tanzania
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