Butovskaya M. L., Burkova V. N., Karelin D. V. How to cooperate in Maasai society or do not make Maasai women angry

Marina L. Butovskaya
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Moscow, Russia
E-mail: marina.butovskaya@gmail.com

Valentina N. Burkova
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Moscow, Russia
E-mail: burkovav@gmail.com

Dmitriy V. Karelin
Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow Russia
E-mail: dkarelin7@gmail.com 


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УДК 316.6(678)
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-4(6)-9-27


ABSTRACT. In this paper we study the association between the parameters of social behavior (particularly, aggression and cooperation) and the general masculinity of the Maasai, the traditional pastoralists of Tanzania. Special attention is given to the issues of sex/gender differences in cooperation, mutual support and aggression in Maasai community (in regard to relatives, friends and neighbors). These indicators are presented by selfassessments of respondents (311 people), using questionnaires on Buss-Perry aggression and those on cooperation developed by Marina L. Butovskaya. Finger index (2D:4D ratio) was used as an indicator of masculinity. We did not find significant differences on the Bass-Perry aggression scales between men and women, including the “physical aggression” scale. The digit ratio (2D:4D) was significantly lower in the Maasai men (more masculine) than in women. A significant negative association of physical aggression with 2D:4D ratio was found in men. Women with higher self-esteem on all scales of aggression expressed their readiness to help relatives significantly more often. Men with more feminine 2D:4D ratio were significantly more likely to support their friends in conflicts, totally ignoring who was responsible for the conflict. We conclude that, although the Maasai self-assessments are based on general as well as age-gender cultural norms and perceptions, they vary significantly due to individual differences in basic personality traits and life history.


KEYWORDS: cooperation, aggression, masculinity, digit ratio (2D:4D), gender, sex, Maasai, Tanzania



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