Goncharov N. S. Elements of activity: places, movements, rhythms and resources
Nikolay S. Goncharov
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: gonni@kunstkamera.ru, nikola.gon4arov@yandex.ru
Download | Go to Issue #4. 2019
УДК 394
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-3(5)-220-231
ABSTRACT. The article discusses the methodological issues related to the study of the processes of production activities. The work is based on the field materials collected by the author in 2018 in the Zhigansk village, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The certain place is situated in the middle part of the Lena river, so it creates itsꞌ economical and socio-cultural peculiarities which can be expressed as “this is not big land yet, however, this is not still island”. The main research tool is the component analysis of the production activity considered through a combination of places, movements, materials / resources and rhythms. Applying this approach to ethnographic material, the author is confronted with specific properties of ethnographic objects and social morphology, which imply consideration of not isolated production processes, but sequences of combinations of activity elements are connected with each other. In the last part of the article the author concludes that using the approach we (as researchers) fixate – during the process of human (and non-human) activity — interesting fact of objects and reasons combinations which have totally different natures. This situation leads author to the necessity of changing current scholarsꞌ methods in order to find, describe and comprehend interweaves of different elements which lead humansꞌ activity exist.
KEYWORDS: production activities, elements, places, movements, materials, resources, rhythm
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