Mokrushina Z. V. Nigerian publicists: from historical constructivism to historical present
Zoya V. Mokrushina
The Yaroslavl Demidov State University
Vologda, Russia
Download | Go to Issue #4. 2019
УДК 82-92(093)
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-4(6)-89-98
ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to Nigerian publicism, which captures the entire post-colonial period — a tense one, filled with socio-political cataclysms and intellectual and cultural transformations. The deep immersion of the authors in these ambiguous, often contradictory processes provides a unique opportunity to see the personalized history of Nigeria from the inside, and to engage in the discussion of the issues of identity and socio-cultural synthesis, racism, colonialism and neocolonialism, the phenomenon of African dictatorships and political leadership, migration and exile, ecocide and genocide, and the implementation of the “African chapter” in the world history, culture and art. Nigerian publicists not only formed the public agenda, but also provoked new trends in public and humanistic knowledge, and developed their own cognitive tools—from historical constructivism to historical present.
KEYWORDS: publicism, historical memory, historical constructivism, historical present
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