Polunin E. S. Results and consequences of the first world war for the German population in South-western Africa and Poland

Evgeny S. Polunin
Air Force Academy N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin
Voronezh, Russia
Е-mail: evgeny.polunin1989@yandex.ru


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УДК 94(438+68)»1914/19» 
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-4(6)-202-212


ABSTRACT. The article compares the fate of two groups of Germans after the First World War―the German community of the former German South-West Africa and the German population of the territories which became a part of the Polish state after the war. The author analyzes common and particular features in the existence of both groups based on the following aspects of the national policies of South Africa and Poland: the resettlement of Germans, their socio-economic and legal status, and the governmental policies in the field of cultural development of the German population. In both cases, especially during the initial post-war period, the new administrations, in order to gain a foothold in the respective territories, tried to suppress the former German masters. On the other hand, in the interwar years both in western Poland and South-West Africa there were conditions for the coexistence with German minority groups: South African administration was interested in cooperating with the Germans in exploiting the mandated territory, while the Poles made certain concessions on the German issue, in particular, to improve relations with Germany. Nevertheless, in both groups there was strong sympathy for the ideas of the return of the respective lands to Germany, many Germans wanted to feel themselves once again the sole masters there. Representatives of the Polish Germans assisted Hitler Germany in the implementation of these ideas, which affected their fate after the World War II.


KEYWORDS: German minorities and diasporas, South-West Africa, Poland, migration, rights of national minorities, loyalty, irredentism



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