Vydrin V. F. Russian linguistic field trips to Côte d’Ivoire and orthography reforms in the south mande languages

Valentin F. Vydrin
Saint Petersburg State University; INALCO — LLACAN (CNRS)
Paris, France
E-mail: vydrine@gmail.com


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УДК 812 
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-4(6)-107-121


ABSTRACT. Russian linguistic field trips to Cô te d’Ivoire aiming to study South Mande languages take place annually since 2001. One of the side effects of these field trips are the orthographic reforms which have concerned the majority of the languages of the group. In the preceding period, most of these languages obtained their orthographies where tones were marked with hyphens, apostrophes, and equality sign. The interaction with Russian linguists has displayed to the speakers of South Mande languages the advantages of the IPA-based writing systems, and they suggested implementing these principles in the orthographies. The paper describes the process and the particularities of the orthography reforms for seven languages: Beng, Guro, Mwan, Eastern Dan, Western Dan, Gban, Goo.



KEYWORDS: orthography, tone, South Mande languages, Dan, Guro



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