Zheltov A. Yu. Some peculiarities of kinship terms systems of Bantu-speaking peoples in the context of macro- and micro-typologies: generation of parents
Aleksandr Yu. Zheltov
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Saint-Petersburg State University
St. Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: ajujeltov@mail.ru
Download | Go to Issue #4. 2019
УДК 81’373.232.4
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2019-4(6)-122-130
ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the systems of kinship terms (SKT) of Bantuspeaking peoples, and considers the basic typological features of the terms for parents generation. In general, in the framework of macro-typology of the system of kinship terms the system of Bantu-speaking peoples is traditionally classified as bifurcative (bifurcative-merging or Iroquois) according to the interpretation of lateral lines in the generation of parents, as well as relational (gender of one’s sibling is defined through the gender of ego) with differences in age of the siblings, according to the typology of siblings (Girenko 1982). Meanwhile, the SKT under consideration show much greater variability. Thus, the bifurcative-merging type is indeed observed in many systems (Swahili, Rwanda, Zaramo, Matengo), but the existing descriptions allow us to draw conclusions about the presence of linear type (Ha) or linear type elements (Gusia). In some cases, the systems are complicated by the emergence of loanwords and descriptive terms (Swahili), as well as suppletive forms of possessive constructions (Rwanda). In many cases, the existing descriptions of kinship nomenclatures contain lacunae that do not allow typologizing specific SKT. Accordingly, the creation of a most detailed database of Bantu-speaking peoples SKT appears to be very important.
KEYWORDS: kinship terms systems, Bantu, Iroquois type, typology
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