Kashpar N. J. Prokofii Ozerov’s Collection of Chuvash Ethnography at the Russian Museum of Ethnography

Natalja J . Kashpar
Russian Museum of Ethnography
Saint Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: nkashpar@yandex.ru


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ABSTRACT. The article aims to introduce an overlooked collection on Chuvash ethnography acquired by the fellow of the Museum of the Peoples of the USSR Prokofii Vasilievich Ozerov during his expedition to the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1934. The collection was acquired from the Chuvash of two ethnographic groups—the lowland Chuvash of the village of Yamanovo in Kanash District and mid-lowland ones of Tyunzyry village of Tsivilsky District; two items were also received from Cheboksary. The collection includes men’s, women’s and children’s costumes, women’s headdresses and their patterned elements, interior items, household utensils, devices for spinning and rewinding threads, felting tools and other artifacts dating back to the late nineteenth—the first third of the twentieth century. In 1948, after the disbandment of the Museum of the Peoples of the USSR, Ozerov’s collection, along with a significant part of other collections of the museum, was transferred to the State Museum of Ethnography (now the Russian Museum of Ethnography). In 2018 the author worked on the identification and attribution of artifacts from this collection. At the moment, 83 out of 91 items have been identified, and for the majority of them the places of manufacture have been determined.


KEYWORDS: P. V. Ozerov, Museum of the Peoples of the USSR, Russian Museum of Ethnography, Chuvash, Chuvash costume 


УДК 069.5:391(=512.111)
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2020-1(7)-143-151



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