Zorin A. V. On the “Elusiveness” of the Manuscript Legacy of the Sem’ Palat Monastery: a Response to the Book “Buddiiskii Monastyr’ Ablai-khit” [“The Ablaikit Buddhist Monastery”]

Alexander V. Zorin
Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: kawi@yandex.ru


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ABSTRACT. This paper is a detailed response to the book “Ablaikit Buddhist Monastery” (Almaty 2019), dealing mainly with one particular aspect of it, namely the circumstances of how the first Tibetan and Mongolian manuscripts made it through to Peter the Great and then to the Library of Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Some of the comments made in the two chapters of the book, written by N. V. Yampolskaya, cast doubt on the necessity to recognize the Dzungar monastery of Sem’ Palat as the original source of such texts. The manuscript legacy of this monastery is characterized by the word “elusive” or, literally, “ghostly” (prizrachnoe). In response to this, the paper invites the reader to impartially examine all the key sources of information on the topic which date back to the first third of the eighteenth century. These sources include also those never mentioned in this context before and related to such significant names in the history of the Russian academia as D. G. Messerschmidt, G. S. Bayer and F. Strahlenberg.


KEYWORDS: Tibetan and Mongolian manuscripts, Sem’ Palat, Ablaikit, early academic collections, Peter the Great, history of Oriental Studies


УДК 09+821.584.6 
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2020-1(7)-199-215



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