Letters of Eduard K. Pekarsky to His Father (1867–1877) as a Source on His Academic Biography (Translation and Publication by Tatiana Shcherbakova)

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ABSTRACT. Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Eduard Karlovich Pekarsky (1858–1934) lived a rich and fruitful life. Despite the fact that more than 80 years have passed since his death, there is still no complete and sufficiently reliable biography of him. One of the least studied is the period of his childhood and early adolescence. The article presents a novel translation (from Polish into Russian) and analysis of the letters sent by Eduard Karlovich Pekarsky to his father during his school years at the Mozyr, Minsk, Taganrog, and Chernigov gymnasiums (1867–1877). Tatiana Shcherbakova emphasizes the importance of these letters for writing an academic biography of Pekarsky. All ten letters are kept in the St. Petersburg branch of the archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


KEYWORDS: Eduard Pekarsky, biography, letters to father, school years

*The publication is prepared by Tatiana Shcherbakova, e-mail: ta.kug@mail.ru


DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2021-2(12)-196-208
УДК 929



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