Babin A. I. P. Minaev and J. L. Kipling: Collections and Letters

Alexander Babin
Higher School of Economics
Moscow, Russian Federation
ORCID: 0000-0003-3367-1874


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ABSTRACT. The article contains letters from the English artist, teacher and museum curator John Lockwood Kipling to the founder of the Russian Indological school, Ivan Pavlovich Minaev. In 1875–1893 Kipling headed the Mayo School of Art and the Lahore Museum. During this time, Minaev visited Punjab twice, in 1875 and 1880. Although there are no direct references to Kipling in his published diaries, letters indicate that they knew each other, and had friendly relations. The letters are not lengthy, but they contain some interesting information about the contacts of the Russian scientist with the Lahore intellectuals; this is especially valuable in light of the fact that the Punjabi part of the travels is covered in diaries rather briefly. One letter is kept in the personal archive of I. P. Minaev at the Archives of the Orientalists at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Other two are in the collection of Bogucharsky at the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art. The letters are published for the first time. The article also compares the composition and individual exhibits from the collections of Kipling (Victoria and Albert Museum) and Minaev (MAE RAS); it contains descriptions and clarified attributions of some sheets of the latter one.


KEYWORDS: I. P. Minaev, J. L. Kipling, G. V. Leitner, Punjab, Lahore, Adi Granth, ethnographic collection


DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2022-2(16)-134-142
УДК 39



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