Uvarova T. Between Two Empires: The Tunguses of the Gantimurov Princely Family

Tatiana Uvarova
The Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
E-mail: ethn.uvarova.tb@inbox.ru


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ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the tracing of the historical development during several centuries — from the middle of the 17th till the beginning of the 21st century — of a small ethno-political community “the Tunguses of the Gantimurov Princely Family”, settled at the Russia-China Borderland in Transbaikalia. They were also called Nerchinsk Tunguses and included genealogical units of different ethnic origin. In the section “Autonomy of the (pre)Imperial Period” the policy of administrative, confessional and cultural integration of the indigenous population of the region into the Russian state is characterized. In the section “Change of indigenous identity in the context of Soviet equality” the new forms of self-consciousness and main reasons for that process are analysed. In the section “Nerchinsk Khamnigans in the Evenki Autonomous Banner (China)” revitalization of nomadic way of life, including herding, native language, cultural traditions and genealogical units is characterized.


KEYWORDS: Nerchinsk evenks, Gantimurov Princely Family, Russia-China Borderland, Urulga Steppe Duma, Transbaikalia, indigenous identity, imperial consciousness


DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2022-2(16)-57-68
УДК 323.1+94(47)



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