Belorussova S. Ethnoexpedition “Altai-2022”
Svetlana Belorussova
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
ORCID: 0000-0002-2069-3452
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ABSTRACT. In August-September 2022, within the framework of the project “Indigenous Peoples of Russia: ethnocultural projections”, an expedition to the ethnic groups of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic took place. This trip continues the more than 10-year history of EthnoExpeditions conducted under the leadership of A. V. Golovnev. EE’s attention is focused on ethnicity in its modern manifestations. The research of the Altai expedition took place mainly among the Kumandin people, in particular groups living in Biysk, Salton and Krasnogorsk districts of the Altai Territory. Today, the Kumandins are experiencing an ethnic upsurge and a growing interest in their own culture. Negative factors such as the threat of language disappearance and loss of identity have led to ethno-reflection, which has become a motivation in initiating various ethnic projects, organizing communities and public organizations. An external incentive to promote ethnicity is the interest of neighbors in their culture and history, support from the administration, the attention of TV channels and online publications. Along with real field research in Altai, EE turned to studying the dynamics of ethnic activism and ethnoprojects in cyberspace.
KEYWORDS: EthnoExpedition, Altai, Kumandins, ethnoprojects, ethnoleaders, ethnicity, identity
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2022-4(18)-208-216
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