Malakshanova V. Arseniev’s Inventories of the Collections of the Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N. I. Grodekov as a Source in the Study of the Culture of the Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East

Victoria Malakshanova
Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N. I. Grodekov
Khabarovsk, Russian Federation
ORCID: 0000-0003-4515-7266


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ABSTRACT. The article presents a detailed description of the lists of exhibits for the catalogs of collections prepared by Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev in 1913–1914s in the Grodekovsky Museum of the Amur Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Future famous writer, ethnographer, being the director of the museum, put its collections in order and systematized them according to the topics of the “departments”, each of which was supposed to have its own catalog. Of the 61 catalogs planned according to the number of “departments”, seven were ready for printing by 1914, and during 1914 Vladimir Arseniev was planning to complete thirteen more. Today, the fate of these catalogs is unknown: there is no information about whether they were completed and published, whether there are manuscripts of these works. It is known that several manuscripts of catalogs are stored in the funds of the Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N. I. Grodekov, these are eight printed and handwritten documents prepared and signed by the director of the Grodekovsky Museum Vladimir Arseniev. Most of them are lists of exhibits collected before 1914, with attribution which indicates the name of the collector, the place of collection (if known), the national name of the item (in ethnographic departments), and the purpose of the item. For the purpose of studying the history of the formation of the collections of the Khabarovsk Museum and of searching for the information about individual items, these documents are of great importance. Also, in these lists there are interesting data on the languages of indigenous peoples. National names and the purpose of exhibits that have long been out of use, make it possible to more accurately describe the artifacts.


KEYWORDS: Vladimir Arseniev, museum collections, cataloging, inventory of exhibits 


DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2022-4(18)-173-186



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