Khazdan E. From Museum Exhibit to Live Sound: Ways of Reconstruction

Evgenia Khazdan
Independent researcher
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
ORCID: 0000-0002-6709-5484


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ABSTRACT. A museum or an archive is a quiet place. Researchers speak on behalf of the exhibits. When recreating the sound patterns of the past, they often rely not so much on the physical properties of museum artefacts as on information drawn from the works of musicologists of the past and, where possible, also on various kinds of contextual information. Sound itself — before the advent of the phonograph and wax rollers — could not be preserved, but indirect information about it is stored in objects studied by archaeologists (musical instruments, and more often their fragments), art historians (paintings, sculptures, mosaics, frescoes or fragments of decoration) or musicologists (various forms of music notation). The historical context is filled based on the texts of books, the most important of which is the Bible. The earliest examples of musical notation of the chants with which the Holy Scripture was supposed to be read are presented in the work of the founder of Christian Kabbalah, Johannes Reuchlin. Modern methods do not always make it possible to accurately identify sound-producing instruments, determine their timbre and possible tuning. It is even more difficult to reconstruct the repertoire, to define the performing situation and its ritual context. The article compares the possibilities of extracting information about past sound codes from different sources, and the results of the research are correlated with living tradition. The material for the study included artefacts from the culture of the ancient peoples of the Middle East, as well as from the European Christian tradition interpreting the Old Testament.


KEYWORDS: sound pattern, musical instruments, musical archeology, recording of musical tradition


FOR CITATION: Khazdan E. From Museum Exhibit to Live Sound: Ways of Reconstruction. Kunstkamera. 2024. 3(25): 57–69. (In Russian). doi 10.31250/2618-8619-2024-3(25)-57-69


DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2024-3(25)-57-69
UDC 316.722+78.072.2



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