Oskolkov V., Bakhtov V. Drift Nets of Russian Uralians' Sub-Ethnic Group in the South of Kazakhstan

Vladimir S. Oskolkov
Сaspian University
Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
ORCID: 0009-0005-2985-3124
E-mail: vladimir-oskolkov@rambler.ru


Vladimir V. Bakhtov
Independent researcher
Moscow, Russian Federation
ORCID: 0009-0005-5142-2136
E-mail: bahtov70@mail.ru


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ABSTRACT. The article presents the scientific results of the historical and ethnographic research of the traditional fishing of the sub-ethnic group of the Uralians living on the Syr Darya River in the South of Kazakhstan. The main sources of the scientific research are the materials collected among the Uralians and archival materials of the E. E. Blomkvist fund from the Scientific Archive of Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The most important characteristics and parameters of typical fishing nets of the Uralians, the river drift nets, were considered. The article tracks the variability of the drift nets of the Uralians on the Syr Darya River. Some features of the drift nets were identified. It was found out that the yaryga from the village of Zhosaly is characterised by smaller dimensions in comparison with other known samples of yarygas on the Amu Darya and the Ural River. Moreover, taranda from the town of Kazaly has a different construction and body configuration in comparison to the taranda from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya River Regions. The emergence of new fishing terminology of the Uralians is noted. In the organisation of drift net fishing there is a transition from a rather large-scale fishery on the Ural River to the fishing by turns by small groups of fishermen on the Syr Darya River. Apart from the Ural River, in terms of the main elements in the design and fishing technology, the traditional drift nets of the Uralians have common features with traditional drift nets common in the Volga region and in some fishing regions of European Russia and foreign Europe.


KEYWORDS: Uralians Sub-Ethnic Group, Russians, Ethnography and History of Fishing, History of the Russian Empire, History of the USSR


FOR CITATION: Oskolkov V., Bakhtov V. Drift Nets of Russian Uralians’ Sub-Ethnic Group  in the South of Kazakhstan. Kunstkamera. 2024. 3(25): 170–188. (In Russian). doi 10.31250/2618-8619-2024-3(25)-170-188


DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2024-3(25)-170-188
UDC (39+94):639.2



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