Shokarev S. A. Kampan’s Photo Album as a Source on the History of Coastal Chukotka in the Early 1930s
Sergei Shokarev
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Moscow, Russian Federation
ORСID: 0000-0002-7620-0186
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ABSTRACT. The article introduces a unique source on the history of coastal Chukotka in the early 1930s — a photographic album compiled by border officer and “local historian of Lavrentievskaya Kultbaza” Arkady Antonovich Kampan (1896—1938) during his trip to the Chukotka region, undertaken from January to April 1931 and his stay at the Kultbaza. The text of the report (with an erroneous attribution in the author’s surname) has long been known to ethnographers and historians of Chukotka; however, the photo album was separated from it and was recently discovered in the fonds of the State Archive of the Russian Federation. The album contains 98 numbered photographs, which recorded the appearance of the Lavrentyevskaya Kultbaza and coastal settlements (Dezhnev, Naukan, Uelen, Serdtse-Kamen, etc.), individual buildings and inhabitants. Among the persons depicted in the photographs are the inhabitants of Uelen and Naukan, Norwegian B. Wall, ethnographer N. B. Schnakenburg, “Chaun shaman and kulak” Kaakak and A.A. Kampan himself. The article also presents the correct attribution of the report and the album, provides biographical information about their author, A. A. Kampan (NKVD officer, repressed in 1938). Kampana's album is a valuable source on the history and ethnography of Chukotka.
KEYWORDS: ethnography, Chukotka, Chukchi, Eskimos, Lavrentyevskaya Kultbaza, Naukan, Arkady Kampan
FOR CITATION: Shokarev S. A. Kampan’s Photo Album as a Source on the History of Coastal Chukotka in the Early 1930s. Kunstkamera. 2024. 3(25): 102–120. (In Russian). Doi 10.31250/2618-8619-2024-3(25)-102-120
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2024-3(25)-102-120
UDC 39(571.651)
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