Zhukova L. Return to the Traditional Punnume Cohabitation of Oduls — Reality or Myth?

Lyudmila Zhukova
Institute for Humanitarian Studies and North Indigenous Peoples Problems Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Yakutsk, Russian Federation
ORCID: 0000-0003-1645-8043
E-mail: zjukova@mail.ru


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ABSTRACT. The novelty of the study lies in posing the question: what type of settlement existed in the past among the Oduls (forest Yukaghirs of the upper Kolyma) and is a return to it realistic in modern high-tech conditions? The aim of the work is to search for and specify the latest mobility strategies. The tasks include analysing the spatial settlement of Oduls with the distinctive northern design of nomads in the discourse of the landscape code “land”. The work is based on published literary data concerning the settlement of nomadic families of forest Yukaghirs in the late 19th — early 20th centuries. The principle of settlement is traced through population censuses and Yukaghir pictograms of the late 19th — late 20th centuries. Research methods include comparative, typological, methods of visual observation and interviews. Domestic and foreign researchers of the second half of the 20th century noted the negative impact of collectivization, settlements and the introduction of new types of activities on the economic cycle of villages, the excessive burden on the working population, and ethnocultural decline. The reforms carried out successfully overcame the physical decline of the forest Yukaghirs, but the concentration in the village of representatives of different tribal groups of Oduls with the prospect of long-term cohabitation was experimental and did not fit into historical memory. The analysis of traditional and modern types of settlements formulates two possible poles of decision-making, oriented towards historical perspective. Representatives of the Yukaghir ethnic group are faced with questions of choosing a national identity, knowledge of their own history, language and culture, or permanent dissolution in a multi-ethnic environment. Recommendations are offered for the preservation and stimulation of ethnocultural processes.


KEYWORDS: Northeast Asia, aboriginal pedestrian culture, land use, dispersed settlement, settlement, objective realities, recommendations


FOR CITATION: Zhukova L. Return to the Traditional Punnume Cohabitation of Oduls — Reality or Myth? Kunstkamera. 2024. 3(25): 84–104. (In Russian). doi 10.31250/2618-8619-2024-3(25)-84-104


* The study was carried out under the program of the scientific project of the Institute for Humanitarian Research and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yakutsk), № FWRS-2024-0081 “Nature and Human: Adaptation strategies of ancient and traditional cultures of Yakutia”.


DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2024-3(25)-84-104
UDC 398.54(=554)



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