Belskiy S. V. Tiversky Gorodok on the Vuoksi. Results of Researches of the Ladoga Lake Archaeological Expedition of MAE RAS in 2017
Stanislav V. Belskiy
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russia
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ABSTRACT. Tiverskiy Gorodok fortification was studied by archaeological expedition of MAE RAS in 2017. The site locates in Priozersky district of the Leningrad Region. The instrumental topographic plan was made for the southern part of the fortification. Then, an excavation of 27 square meters was marked on the rampart. The base of the rampart turned out to be a rock or a stony moraine surface. Three walls were built on it: external, the remains of the inner wall and central. The inner walls were discovered for the first time. The remains of the cultural layer of the settlement of an earlier period was found under the rampart. The coal of this horizon received radiocarbon dating, indicating 11th–12th centuries. A lot of ceramics, burned bones, objects from the Viking Age (the bronze divider of the belt and the “eye” bead), fragments of flint products were collected. Four crossbow bolts of various types and an arrow-head were found as well. Probably, these finds are traces of the 1411 attack of the site.
KEYWORDS: archaeology, Middle Ages, hillforts, fortification, Tiversky Gorodok (fortress)
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2018-1-97-108
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