Buchatskaya J. V. Leisure in Franconia: Free Time Practices and Traditions
Julia V. Buchatskaya
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: julia.butschatskaja@yahoo.de
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ABSTRACT. In the article the author analyzes leisure practices in German rural and urban communities on the example of the Upper Franconia region. The article is based on the abundant field data from the stationary fieldwork in Franconia in 2008–2010. Diverse societies and clubs (Verein) are treated as spaces of free interpersonal creative interaction of people, in accordance with Ray Oldenburg´s concept of “the third place”. A clear trend towards the formation and popularity of these clubs and societies as virtual “third places” can be observed in Germany in villages, small and middle towns. These settlements have similar administrative and spatial characteristics, as well as close social networks. Culture and leisure facilities there are relatively limited. An important function of these clubs and societies is to be a space and a stage for people’s creative self-realization. In Franconia, this function is manifested in the interactions of clubs with various representation practices of German traditional culture. Participation in the activities of associations or clubs is obviously a compensation strategy in achieving a balance in everyday life, which R. Oldenburg mentioned — a life combining a house, production/receiving a profit and an open communication that fosters inter-neighborhood relations in a village community and in a town.
KEYWORDS: leisure, traditions, festive culture, community , Franconia, Germany
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2018-1-134-143
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