Dmitrenko L. M. MAE RAS Collections Transferred to Buenos Aires Museum of Ethnography (1904–1913)

Liubov M. Dmitrenko
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russia


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ABSTRACT. The 14th International Congress of Americanists in Stuttgart in 1904 initiated the beginning of Russian-Argentine collaboration between the MAE RAS and the Ethnographic Museum in Buenos Aires. The first collection of archaeological items from excavations of the ancient La Paya site arrived in St. Petersburg in June 1909. The MAE received six archaeological and ten ethnographic collections during the period from 1909 to 1913. Among them are stone tools of ancient hunter-gatherers of Patagonia, ceramics and other omaguaca culture objects from the Pucara de Tilcara site. The ethnographic collections presented the traditional culture of Aymara, Toba, Ona, Yaghan and some other ethnic groups of South America. In return, the MAE RAS sent to Buenos Aires more than 163 ethnographic and archaeological objects from 1911 to 1913. Among them were ethnographic items from the Vologda region, Mordovian traditional costume, a complete series of Nenets reindeer harness. Even today, there is a collection of Neolithic pottery fragments from Nizhny Novgorod excavations, carefully preserved in the Archaeological Deposit of Juan B. Ambrosetti Museum. Over a hundred years later, the studying of archival and museum documentation provided new opportunities for a more precise attribution of collections involved in Russian-Argentinean exchange at the beginning of the 20th century.


KEYWORDS: MAE RAS, Juan B. Ambrosetti Ethnographic Museum, museum collections exchange


DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2018-1-207-216


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