Gromov A. V., Khokhlov A. A. Age and Sex Structure of the Yamnaya Culture Inhumations From the Volga-Ural Region

Andrey V. Gromov
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Aleksandr A. Khokhlov
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
Samara, Russia


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ABSTRACT. The study is based on the analysis of age and sex parameters of 611 individuals buried in the Yamnaya culture kurgans, the Volga-Ural area, Kalmykiya and the Steppe Dnieper region. All local groups are characterized by a strong prevalence of male burials, a large number of old individuals of both sexes, a small number of children, and a higher mean age of males over females. These tendencies are equally relevant to different territories and time periods and are not biased by grouping patterns. The age structure of the Yamnaya females is indicative of a prevalence of individuals of upper and lower age cohorts, namely 15–19 and older than 50. Basically, the groups from Kalmykiya and the Steppe Dnieper region have a similar sex and age structure as the Volga-Ural area except of lower frequencies of older females in Dnieper burials grounds. The PC analysis based on five paleodemographic characteristics reveals specificity of the most Yamna culture burial grounds compared to other Neolithic and Bronze populations of Northern Eurasia.


KEYWORDS: sex definition, age estimation, burials, Volga, Ural, Yamnaya culture


DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2018-1-78-86


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