Kopaneva N. P., Chistov Yu. K. On Publication of the Kunstkamera Collections Catalogue Musei Imperialis Petropolitani. Vol. 1. Part 1. Anatomical Collection
Natalia P. Kopaneva
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: kopaneva@kunstkamera.ru
Yuri K. Chistov
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: chistov@kunstkamera.ru
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ABSTRACT. The article highlights the archival sources of study of the composition and displaying of the anatomical collection of the Dutch anatomist Frederik Ruysch in his Cabinet in Amsterdam and later in the first house of Kunstkamera in Saint Petersburg — Kikin’s Mansion, and from 1728 in the new special building of the Kunstkamera on Vasilevskiy Island. The key documents for understanding the history of this collection are the hand-written inventory recorded by Laurentius Blumentrost, when he received the collection from Fr. Ruysch in Amsterdam, and another inventory compiled in Saint Petersburg, when the collection was displayed in Kikin’s Mansion. The purpose of these handwritten catalogues became clear after a copy of Fr. Ruysch’s Thesauri, that belonged to Blumentrost, was revealed. It contains his handwritten comments and notations. The study of these newly discovered archival documents allowed to conclude that certain semantic changes had occurred during the systematization and cataloguing of anatomical specimens in the Museum of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, their being put on dispaly in the Museum’s rooms, and in the descriptions in the Musei Imperialis Petropolitani, vol. I, catalogue. Most anatomical specimens served Ruysch as objects for research and brought about a number of scientific discoveries described in his Thesauri. But Ruysch made efforts not only to save specimens for ages, but he also decorated the tops of jars, inserted artificial eyes into the orbits, made artistic compositions from several specimens, thereby giving them a new, symbolic value: a natural-science specimen, first an object and result of research — turned into an artifact. The anatomical specimen in the Kunstkamera, unlike the same exhibit in Ruysch’s Cabinet, bears some other scientific and cultural information and other semantic meanings, performing the function of an object for research, education and enlightenment.
KEYWORDS: Kunstkamera, anatomical collection, Frederik Ruysch, Laurentius Blumentrost, Josias Weitbrecht
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2018-1-190-199
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- Frederici Ruyschii... Thesaurus anatomicus primus Cum figuris aeneis ... Het eerste anatomisch cabinet, van Frederic Ruysch... Amstelaedami: apud J. Wolters, 1701. In-4°. 65 p.
- Frederici Ruyschii... Thesaurus anatomicus secundus... Het tweede anatomisch cabinet, van Frederic Ruysch... Amstelaedami: apud J. Wolters, 1702. In-4°. 98 p.
- Frederici Ruyschii... Thesaurus anatomicus tertius... Het derde anatomisch cabinet, van Frederic Ruysch... Amstelaedami: apud J. Wolters, 1703. In-4°. 70 p.
- Frederici Ruyschii... Thesaurus anatomicus quartus... Het vierde anatomisch cabinet, van Frederic Ruysch... Amstelaedami: apud J. Wolters, 1704. In-4°. 55 p.
- Frederici Ruyschii... Thesaurus anatomicus quintus... Het vyfde anatomisch cabinet, van Frederic Ruysch... Amstelaedami: apud J. Wolters, 1705. In-4°. 54 p.
- Frederici Ruyschii... Thesaurus anatomicus sextus... Het sesde anatomisch cabinet, van Frederic Ruysch... Amstelaedami: apud J. Wolters, 1705. In-4°. 92 p.
- Frederici Ruyschii... Thesaurus anatomicus septimus... Het sevende anatomisch cabinet, van Frederic Ruysch… Amstelaedami: apud J. Wolters, 1707. In-4°. 44 p.
- Frederici Ruyschii... Thesaurus anatomicus octavus... Het achtste anatomisch cabinet, van Frederic Ruysch... Amstelaedami: apud J. Wolters, 1709. In-4°. 68 p.
- Frederici Ruyschii... Thesaurus anatomicus nonus... Het nonus anatomisch cabinet, van Frederic Ruysch... Amstelaedami: apud J. Wolters, 1714. In-4°. 43 p.
- Frederici Ruyschii... Thesaurus magnus & regius qui est decimus thesaurum anatomicorum. Het groote en koninclyke cabinet zynde het tiende der anatomische cabinetten van Frederic Ruysch. Amstelaedami: apud J. Wolters, 1715. In-4°. 45 p.