Lebedeva A. A. On the Contemporary Culture of Maclay Coast Papuans (Society, Economy, Cultural Items, Self-Representation)

Arina A. Lebedeva
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: Sheremet@kunstkamera.ru


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ABSTRACT. The paper is devoted to the modern culture of the Papuans of Maclay Coast, first described in detail by N. N. Mikhlouho-Maclay in the 1870–1880s. Though one hundred and fifty years have passed since then, the region still remains quite a reserved place, lacking communications and infrastructure. The economic basis and social model preserve ethnically specific features. It is obvious, on the other hand, that some aspects and objects have changed, others have been transformed or disappeared. In this respect special attention is paid to the comparative characteristics of items of the early collection by Mikhlouho-Maclay (MAE RAS № 168) and contemporary objects of Papuans. Interestingly, some of the changes have an irreversible rather than cyclical character: the culture, having been deformed by force during the years of colonial history, is now returning to its traditional pattern. The author aims to analyze the causes of these changes, as well as to understand, how the Papuans define the place of their culture in the present-day world.


KEYWORDS: Maclay Coast, traditional culture of Papuans, museum’ s collections


DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2018-1-170-180


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