Prishchepova V. A. Semion Arkhipovich Bel’kin and Socialist Construction in Kara-Kalpak
Valeria A. Prishchepova
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russia
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ABSTRACT. Semion Arkhipovich Bel’kin’s field photos and records of 1932, which contain a rich factual material on the course and consequences of the first years of collectivization of agriculture and reflect the social and economic aspects of life in the 1930s, served as a documentary basis for the present work. The domestic policy and economic situation of Kara-Kalpak in the 1930s has not yet been studied using such ethnographic and historical sources as museum documentary photos and archival materials. The two-month work of the Kara-Kalpak complex expedition resulted in a photo collection that captured the working process of collective farms, everyday moments of the local population life, and so on. The group has collected data on the activity of five collective farms, aulsovets, Komsomol and party organizations. Bel’kin’s field work laid the foundation for a comprehensive scholarly study of the life and culture of the Karakalpaks. The author introduced such a valuable source as museum documentary photos and archival materials into scientific use, and is the first to study the documents gained in 1932.
KEYWORDS: sources, documents, photos, museum, archive materials, culture, life of Karakalpaks, 1930s
DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2018-1-181-189
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