Zheltov A. Yu. African Studies and the Modern World, or African Studies Not Just About Africa

Alexander Yu. Zheltov
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: ajujeltov@mail.ru


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ABSTRACT. The article deals with the problem of “objective verity” in humanities and the role of African Studies in understanding immediate problems of Russia and the modern world. The article makes an attempt to explain the complexity of formulating “humanitarian verities” and deals with the specifics of African studies in Russia. The article also shows the importance of African studies for modern Russia and applies African data for analyzing some current problems in Russia and other regions. Among the important ideas and notions offered by Africanists are “stadial heterogeneity”, multidimensional analysis of social phenomena, the dichotomy of “cultural” and “social”. From this standpoint, we analyze some problems of political organization in Africa, Russia and Europe are analyzed, offer some recommendations for solving the problems of cultural identification in social environment and a critical review of some modern humanitarian “constructs” are critically reviewed. All these phenomena are analyzed in the context of serious globalizing process, first of all, crucial changes in the speed of information flows. The author also puts forward the idea of inefficient military and political control, compared to the so called “altruistic” cooperation (with special reference to Soviet policy in Africa and Eastern Europe). The article also shows some contradictions between important concepts of modern political discourse.


KEYWORDS: objective verity, humanities, African Studies, modern world


DOI 10.31250/2618-8619-2018-1-29-39



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