Manuscript submission guide
By submitting a paper for publication in Kunstkamera (Кунсткамера) you thereby confirm:
- that the paper was never published elsewhere, is not offered and will not be offered for publication in another journal until a decision on its publication in Kunstkamera (Кунсткамера) is made;
- you are the author of the article, and the article does not contain fragments from any unreferenced works by other authors.
Formatting Guidelines for Academic Paper
For the purposes of publication in Kunstkamera (Кунсткамера) journal, the articles should be submitted in Russian or English; the size of the paper should not exceed 60 000 symbols with spaces, including footnotes, tables, charts, and illustrations, an abstract of 180–200 words, list of key terms, as well as a full author's profile in the English and Russian languages. Book reviews, observation papers, and information messages should not exceed 20,000 characters.
A complete journal submission should contain the following sections:
- The author’s last name, first name, and patronymic name (if applicable)
- The author’s place of work (affiliation)
- City, country
- Title of the article (not in caps lock)
- Abstract (180-200 words with spaces)
- Keywords (5-7 keywords)
- Text of the article
- Works cited
- List of references in Latin characters with the English translation of the titles
- Date of submission of the article
- Full details of the author: Full name, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work (affiliation), city, country, e-mail (in Russian and English)
The paper should be proofread and dated.
Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Please, use font size 12, font type Times New Roman, and line spacing 1.5. Please, set page margins at 2 cm for top/bottom, 3 cm for the left, and 1.5 cm for the right side. Paragraph indention should be 1.25 cm. Page numbering starts from the first page and is located in the bottom right corner. Use of tabulation and forced hyphenation are not allowed.
All illustrations should be submitted as separate digital files (*.tif or *.jpeg file format with at least 600 dpi resolution) and numbered as fig. 1, fig. 2, etc. Please, provide a separate list of captions and make sure that the file names of the illustrations match the illustration numbers in the text. The caption should contain, whenever applicable, a title, the name of the author, a source, and a date. Illustrations submitted without the written permission of the owner or copyright holder will not be accepted for publication.
Subtitles/subheadings in the article should be centered and printed in capital letters (caps lock).
Quotation marks format is the following: use “inverted commas” for words/parts of the text in foreign languages and «guillemets» in the Russian text.
References should be included in the body of the text in round brackets. The primary reference in the text consists of an author and the year of publication in parenthesis with no punctuation between them: (Wolfram 1988), (Kerner 1942).
For works by two authors, use both authors' names: (Masliuzhenko, Riabinina 2011). For works of multiple authorship, the reference is made only to the first author followed by “et al.”: (Kirpichnikov et al. 1986).
When the author’s name is incorporated in the sentence, the reference in parenthesis should only contain the year of publication: “According to L. Margelis (1983)…” When several works by the same author are cited, a relevant letter should be added to the year of publication: (Vasil'ev 1980a; 1980b).
When reference is made to a particular page, the page number should be given after the year and separated with a colon: (Bakhrushin 1955: 91-93).
When referencing several works of the same author in parentheses, the years of publication should be given after the name of the author separated by a semicolon: (Bernstam 1980; 1983). In the case of referencing works by several authors, the names of the authors should be divided by a semicolon: (Lebedev 2005; Maximov 1987: 259).
References to collective works should contain the first few words of the title with an ellipsis: (The Embassy Book… 1984).
References to multi-volume publications should indicate the volume after the year: (Ivanov 1980, V. 2: 351).
Works cited at the end of the article should contain sources and literature used by an author in preparing an article and be arranged alphabetically. Each entry should adhere to the following structure: full name of the author(s), the full title of the work (for articles, the name of the publication). City, publishing house, year of publication. Volume, number, issue. Pages.
Titles and names written in non-Latin scripts should be transliterated, and titles should be translated into English. Lists of references are used by international academic databases, such as Scopus and Web of Science, for their citation indexes.
Transliteration should follow the USA Library of Congress system (in the “no diacritics” version). For transliteration from Cyrillic use:
You can also use an automatic conversion tool available on Convert Cyrillic website: In the right-hand panel (Convert to), select the second option: ALA-LC (Library of Congress) Romanization without Diacritics [Russkii iazyk].
There are typical automatic conversion mistakes, which should be corrected.
a) References to the publication’s “том” (volume) should be translated into English as “Vol.”; Russian “Кн.” (book) – as “Bk.”; Russian “Ч.” (part) – as “Pt.”
b) All abbreviations of city names should be converted into a full form: Russian M. - Moscow; Russian СПб. – St. Petersburg; Russian Л. – Leningrad; N.Y. – New York; etc.
c) All other abbreviations should be converted into complete form (for example, “izd-vo” – into “izdatel’stvo”)
d) Please check centuries numbering conversion to avoid mistakes ((XX - 20, XIX – 19, etc.). If you typed a number using the Russian letters “Х” the conversion tool would automatically transliterate them as “Kh” (“KhKh” instead of the 20th century and “KhIKh” instead of the 19th century, etc.)
e) Names of the foreign authors should not be converted from Russian but provided in the original form. In case of citing any works based on their Russian translation, automatic conversion tool may offer Marks instead of the original Marx; Moss instead of Mauss; Levi-Stros instead of Lévi-Strauss, etc.
f) Russian letters Я and Ю at the beginning of words should be transliterated as Ya and Yu (as opposed to Ia and Iu offered by automatic conversion tool). For example, the recommended spelling version is Yurii Yakovlev and not Iurii Iakovlev
g) Italics should be used for the names of journals or other academic periodicals, titles of books, and collections of articles.
Please, use the examples below as guidelines.
For books:
Baudrillard J. Simuliakry i simuliatsii [Simulacra and Simulations]. Moscow: Postum Publ., 2015. (In Russian)
Bauman Z. Liquid Modernity. Cambridge: Polity, 2000.
For articles in journals:
Golovnev A. V. Skorost’ v antropoligii dvizheniia [Speed in the Anthropology of Movement]. Sibirskie istoricheskie issledovaniia, 2020, no. 2, pp. 57-78. (In Russian)
Amunts K., Kedo O., Kindler M, Pieperhoff P., Mohlberg H., Shah N., Habel U., Schneider F., Zilles K. Cytoarchitectonic Mapping of the Human Amygdala, Hippocampal Region and Entorhinal Cortex: Intersubject Variability and Probability Maps. Anatomy and Embryology, 2005, no. 210 (6), pp. 343-352.
For articles in collective publications:
Kurganov E. O neobkhodimosti strakha [The Necessity of Fear]. Semiotika strakha [Semiotics of Fear]. Ed. by N. Buhks, F. Conte. Paris, Moscow: Sorbonna, Russkie instituty Publ., 2005, pp. 36-43. (In Russian)
Murray E. A., Izquierdo A., and Malkova L. A. Amygdala Function in Positive Reinforcement. The Human Amygdala. Ed. by P. J. Whalen & E. A. Phelps. New York, London: Guilford Press, 2009, pp. 82-104.
For Internet publications:
Bruns A., Moe H. The Use of Twitter Hashtags in the Formation of Ad Hoc Publics. 2011. URL: 1862187623.1586948137-1526946843.1586948137 (accessed 15.04.2020)
Kan E. V. Kheshtegi kak novoe lingvisticheskoe iavlenie [Hashtags as a New Linguistic Phenomenon]. Filologicheskie aspekty: mezhdunarodnyi nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal, 2017, no. 1, pp. 90-98. URL: (accessed 18.04.2020). (In Russian)
Author’s full name. Dissertation title. PhD diss. Name of institution, year.
Dissertation abstract. Full name. Dissertation title PhD diss. Name of institution, year.
For archive sources, the reference must include file number and year:
AMAE RAS F. 12. Series 1. D. 88. Kuftin B. A. Udehe: Shamanism. The Coast of the Tatar Strait. 1927.
A list of abbreviations (if any) should be attached to the article.
Example: AMAE RAS — Archive of Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Russian Academy of Sciences
Please, use only footnotes (not endnotes) numbered consecutively.
Articles that do not comply with the above requirements will not be accepted for consideration.
All materials should be submitted to the editorial board at:
199034, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya, dom 3, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kunstkamera journal;